
I've been trying to rack my head around making a coda plugin for syncing coda's clips to, coda is such a great app, but the inability to sync my hand crafted snippets is really irritating especially when you are out and about with a laptop!

I was wondering if anyone has any experience in developing such a plugin, or even had any success with syncing snippets across computers?

Hope you guys can help!

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I don't think it is doable at this time...

I wanted to do the same but it looks like the clips are stored in this (binary?) file: /Applications/

The Panic team will have to create an altenate location for this and also the sites database... it would be really nice if we could sync all our settings/sites/connections/clips and sync them via dropbox

let's not hold our breath... try my recommendation for syncing snippets/clips:


Combining information I found here on where Clips are stored:

~/Library/Application Support/Coda 2/

With how to make a symlink:

ln -s /Users/[username]/Google\ Drive/Clips /Users/[username]/Library/Application\ Support/Coda\ 2

You could replace the path to Google Drive to other services such as Dropbox as well. Just symlink it.

Thats how I sync my clips across computers. Hopefully that helps someone else. Note: this will sync all clips, not just specific groupings. You could apply the same logic to Sites and other settings as well if you wanted.

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