
I am trying to read the number of line in a binary file using readObject, but I get IOException EOF. Am I doing this the right way?

    FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(istream);

    /** calculate number of items **/
    int line_count = 0;
    while( (String)ois.readObject() != null){            
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readObject() doesn't return null at EOF. You could catch the EOFException and interpret it as EOF, but this would fail to detect distinguish a normal EOF from a file that has been truncated.

A better approach would be to use some meta-data. That is, rather than asking the ObjectInput how many objects are in the stream, you should store the count somewhere. For example, you could create a meta-data class that records the count and other meta-data and store an instance as the first object in each file. Or you could create a special EOF marker class and store an instance as the last object in each file.


I had the same problem today. Although the question is quite old, the problem remains and there was no clean solution provided. Ignoring EOFException should be avoided as it may be thrown when some object was not saved correctly. Writing null obviously prevents you from using null values for any other purposes. Finally using available() on the objects stream always returns zero, as the number of objects is unknown.

My solution is quite simple. ObjectInputStream is just a wrapper for some other stream, such as FileInputStream. Although ObjectInputStream.available () returns zero, the FileInputStream.available will return some value.

   FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
   ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(istream);

   /** calculate number of items **/
   int line_count = 0;
   while( istream.available() > 0) // check if the file stream is at the end
      (String)ois.readObject();    // read from the object stream,
                                   //    which wraps the file stream

No. Catch EOFException and use that to terminate the loop.

If you write a null object at the end of the file, when you read it back you will get a null value and can terminate your loop.

Just add: out.writeObject(null);

when you serialize the data.

It's curious that the API doesn't supply a more elegant solution to this. I guess the EOFException would work but I've always been encouraged to see exceptions as unexpected events whereas here you would often expect the object stream to come to an end.

I tried to work around this by writing a kind of "marker" object to signify the end of the object stream:


public enum ObjectStreamStatus implements Serializable {

Then in the code reading the object i checked for this EOF object in the object reading loop.

No, you need to know how many objects there is in the binary file. You could write the number of objects at the beginning of the file (using writeInt for example) and read it while loading it.

Another option is to call ois.available() and loop until it returns 0. However, I am not sure if this is 100% sure.

It looks like the problem is with the data that you wrote out. Assuming the data is written as expected by this code, there shouldn't be a problem.

(I see you are reading Strings. This ObectInputStream isn't for reading text files. Use InputStreamReader and BufferedReader.readLine for that. Similarly if you have written the file with DataOutputSteam.writeUTF, read it with DataInputStream.readUTF)

The available method of ObjectInputStream cannot used to terminate the loop as it returns 0 even if there are objects to be read in a file. Writing a null to a file doen't seem to be a good solution either since objects can be null which then would be interpreted as the end of file. I think catching the EOFException to terminate the loops is a better practice since if EOFException occurs(either because you reached the end of the file or some other reason), you have to terminate the loop anyway.

The best possible way to end the loop could be done by adding a null object at the end. While reading the null object can be used as a boundary condition to exit the loop. Catching the EOFException also solves the purpose but it takes few m

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