
When using CKEditor 4 Inline Editing on a object the CKEditor add a "Title" attribute that include a text and the object id.

e.g. In the CKEditor inline example we can see the next code:

<h2 id="inline-sampleTitle" title="Rich Text Editor, inline-sampleTitle"....>CKEditor<br>Goes Inline!</h2>

I like to remove the "title" attribute because i do not like the user to see it (my id is more complicated :) ).

Note: I was trying to remove it manually after the CKEditor create it using jQuery "removeAttr" function but this solution is not really good for me because in IE browsers the user still see it in the first time and it will remove only after the user mouse out from the object.

Was it helpful?


CKEDITOR.config.title = false;

For More Details Visit this


You can find here some details: How can I change the title ckeditor sets for inline instances?

Unfortunately, you cannot change it without modifying the code. I reported ticket for this

See - looks like you can manually set the "title" attribute of the editor element to override the tooltip.

in your config

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
    // Define changes to default configuration here.
    // For the complete reference:

CKEditor fix it in version 4.2 so we can remove this fix now :)

You can put in ckeditor config object function that will delete the title after editor is initialized:

on: {       
        instanceReady: function(event){

You can use this code in order to delete the title on every CKEDITOR will be created.


i tried this in my codeigniter view page and it works for me. also i used my own custom tooltip for my users.

CKEDITOR.inline( 'ckeditor' );
CKEDITOR.config.title = false; // or you can use own custom tooltip message.

Braham Dev Yadav

I have tried using

CKEDITOR.config.title = false;

but it still persist showing title.

After some research, what I done is:

1.Go to ~/ckeditor/lang/en-gb.js remove out 'editorHelp' value

2.Assign language and title, same as below:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.title="Put your title here"; //cannot put blank, it will display "null"
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