
Looking at Code First in ADO.Net EF 4 CTP 3 and wondered how the SqlConnection in their walkthrough is disposed. Is that the responsibility of ContextBuilder? Is it missing from the example?

  var connection = new SqlConnection(DB_CONN);
  var builder = new ContextBuilder<BloggingModel>();
  var connection = new SqlConnection(DB_CONN);

  using (var ctx = builder.Create(connection))
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I just realized that I can add an event handler to ObjectContext.Disposing and resolve this.

In CTP 3 at least, Connection is not disposed when the ObjectContext is disposed.

Since I'm subclassing ObjectContext already, I implemented IDisposable in my subclass and call Connection.Dispose() from there.


Close and Dispose in SqlConnection are functionally equivalent. Therefore, as long as the connection is closed -- and I think you'll find that it is, but don't take my word for it -- the sample code works.

But since you asked, you should probably dispose of it anyway. It will do no harm, and will stop others from asking the same question.

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