
Best reference sites for HTML and JavaScript programming:

*There is some controversy over the quality and accuracy of the information in the tutorials offered by W3Schools. Not as many, however, take issue with the reference section.

Related questions, mostly the source of the above links:

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I find the Mozilla Developer Network very helpful.



MSDN has a lot of reference materials for web development. It contains only IE-specific information which can be either an advantage or a disadvantage depending on what you are looking for. Here are direct links to the HTML/CSS (includes DOM), JScript (Microsoft flavor of ECMAScript aka JavaScript) and VBScript. The documentation is very well written, and is a great source for answers to DOM/JavaScript questions, since they tend to be mostly the same across browsers.

Also, as references go, let's not forget the official specifications for HTML, CSS, and the myriad of other standards specified by W3C.

Dev Opera is a great resource, especially the Web Standards Curriculum. Another one is HTML dog.

I always check, especially the references section.

HTML Code Tutorial is a decent site, and its Quick List page helps me sometimes.

A really helpfull tool for Firefox (with Firebug installed)

For rapidly find documentation on sitepoint reference.

Best resources to learn JavaScript

I have been catching up on modern Javascript techniques, and learning some handy tricks, by running, reading and editing GreaseMonkey scripts from

While not directly a reference site, LearningLine rolls many of these sites into their lessons as well as sites like

Here are some of the courses that are good starting points:

Cheers, Michael

I've found AeroTwist very useful for learning rendering performance.

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