Dataloss at connection android tablet -> lan - RS232 converter, but not on android tablet ->winpc pc -> converter



i have a big problem and i doubt about my intellect... I connected my android tablet (intenso tab814) to a RS232 converter (USR-TCP232-E) via a router (TL-WR740-N) and i send 7 hexadezimal bytes in a block, kinda 03 20 05... with further numbers. My problem is, if i let my tablet send, the converter receives the data, but does not submit it to a listening program on an pc behind the converter complete. There are often complete blocks missing (bnot single Bytes, but the whole command line i send), but if i send my data via tablet to another PC, and let HIM do the sending work to the converter every single byte arrives. It may be a bit dazzling, but i dont know, where this problem could belong to. My App sends every block correctly (the pc is able to receive)

The converters yellow RJ45 port-LED blinks, but i does not give the data to the listening pc.

For better understand:

Tablet(selfpogrammed app) sends data -> router -> converter (everytime blinks) seldom gives the command -> PC(selfwritten listening programm(not written by me, but by the one, i am the follower of, not familiar with language.)

But if i:

Tablet(same app) -> router -> PC (receives all the data) -> router -> converter always give the data to the listening progamm ->pc

What is the matter here? Why does the converter gives the data from app -> pc to listening pc, but not from app to listenign pc?

Tablet is connected via W-Lan to router, the pc's via RJ45-cable, the converter either. Using TCP/IP converter as server.


EDIT: configuration:

Baud Rate: 115200bits/second
Data Size: 8 bits/characterParity: None NoneOddEvenMarkSpace
Stop Bits: 1bit(s) Flow Control: None Local Telnet Port Number: 2001
Remote Telnet Port Number: N/A
Telnet Mode: TCP Server Telnet Server IP: N/A . . .
Telnet Timeout: 0seconds seconds (< 256, 0 for no timeout)

UART packet Time: 10ms ms (< 256)

UART packet length: 200


forgot sth to mention. the converter is via RS232 to an USB converter from RS232 to USB connected. Its receiving lamp does not blink, when the listening programm does not show my commands, but if the programm spits my lines out, the USB-part blinks too. So the converter receives, but does not give it to the USB. But only if i use my tablet. Same interval all the time.

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Was my own fault, forgot to use a bufferedoutputstream, now it works.

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