
What I've done so far..

sudo gem install scrapi

sudo gem install tidy

This didn't work because it didn't have the libtidy.dylib

So I did this :

sudo port install tidy

sudo cp libtidy.dylib /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/scrapi-1.2.0/lib/tidy/libtidy.dylib

Then I started following the simple railscast at :

Right after Mr. Bates finished the first save for scrapitest.rb , I tried to run this code :

require 'rubygems'
require 'scrapi'

scraper = Scraper.define do
  process "title", :page_name => :text
  result :page_name

uri = URI.parse("")
p scraper.scrape(uri)

With this code :

ruby scrapitest.rb

And it returned this error :

/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/tidy-1.1.2/lib/tidy/tidybuf.rb:39: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [universal-darwin10.0]

Abort trap

Completely out of ideas..

Was it helpful?


I had this issue and then a follow-up issue where a seg fault would happen non-deterministically.

I followed the steps here -

In tidy-1.1.2/lib/tidy/tidylib.rb:

1. Add this line to the 'load' method in Tidylib:

  extern "void tidyBufInit(void*)"
2. Define a new method called 'buf_init' in Tidylib:

  # tidyBufInit, using default allocator
  def buf_init(buf)

Then, in tidy-1.1.2/lib/tidy/tidybuf.rb:

3. Add this line to the initialize method of Tidybuf below the malloc:


so that is looks like this:

  # tidyBufInit, using default allocator
  def buf_init(buf)
    @struct = TidyBuffer.malloc
4. For completeness, make Brennan's change by adding the allocator field to the TidyBuffer struct so that it looks like this:

  TidyBuffer = struct [
    "TidyAllocator* allocator",
    "byte* bp",
    "uint size",
    "uint allocated",
    "uint next"


If you're getting the error: /opt/ruby/ruby-1.8.6/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/tidy-1.1.2/lib/tidy/tidybuf.rb:40: [BUG] Segmentation fault

It's because the data types don't match up in the latest Tidy (0.99) (/usr/include/buffio.h - $Date: 2007/01/23 11:17:45 $ )

The resolution is to patch tidybuf.rb:

--- tidybuf.rb  2007-04-10 09:09:01.000000000 -0500
+++ tidybuf.rb.patched  2007-04-10 09:08:55.000000000 -0500
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
   # Mimic TidyBuffer.
   TidyBuffer = struct [
+    "int* allocator",
     "byte* bp",
     "uint size",
     "uint allocated",    
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