
I'm trying to read a local file in Phonegap to load the language strings for the application and I can't make it work :(

The code is pretty straightforward:

var pathToLocalFile = "/home/user/android/assets/www/js/";
var langCache = new FileReader();
langCache.onload = function(data){
  col = JSON.parse(data);
langCache.onerror = function(err){

This code doesn't work on the Ripple emulator and I replaced it with

var pathToLocalFile = "file:///android_asset/www/js/";

in case of android, with the same result:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Console> has no method 'warning' cordova-2.4.0.js:2616
initRead cordova-2.4.0.js:2616
FileReader.readAsText cordova-2.4.0.js:2660    

In the Ripple emulator, I started Chrome with google-chrome -–allow-file-access-from-files and the Android config and manifest has all the permissions for and the plugins set.

Of course I'm missing something, but any idea what this could be?


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If the file is under the www folder of your app you don't need to add '/home/..' or 'file:///'. You should just be able to load the contents using an "AJAX" fetch even though it is bundled in the app.



The error you're seeing is actually a result of cordova-2.4.0.js calling a non-existent "warning" method. It should be console.warn. It is attempting to warn you that using a string for the readAsText method is now deprecated, and that you should use a File reference instead.

What should be happening is a console.warn of "Using a string argument with FileReader.readAs functions is deprecated."

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