
I have code similar to this in my application:

class A
  public: int b;

class C
  public: int d;

void DoThings (void *arg1, MYSTERYTYPE arg2);

A obj_a;
C obj_c;

DoThings(&obj_a, &A::b);
DoThings(&obj_c, &C::d);

The question is - What should MYSTERYTYPE be? neither void* nor int work, despite the value &A::b being printed just fine if you output it through a printf.

Clarifications: Yes, &A::b is defined under C++. Yes, I am trying to get the offset to a class member. Yes, I am being tricky.

Edit: Oh I can use offsetof(). Thanks anyway.

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You have a data member pointer to two unrelated classes. Well, you can't find a common type that can hold both pointers. It will only work if the function parameter is a data member pointer to a member of the derived, because it's guaranteed to contain the member too, if a base contains it:

struct a { int c; }; struct b : a { }; int main() { int b::*d = &a::c; }

Update: I think i should write why the above converts from a::* to b::* implicitly. After all, we usually have b* to a* ! Consider:

struct a { };
struct b : a { int c; };
struct e : a { };
int main() { int a::*d = &b::c; e e_; (e_.*d) = 10; /* oops! */ }

If the above would be valid, you would really much screw up. The above is not valid, because conversion from b::* to a::* is not implicit. As you see, we assigned a pointer to b::c, and then we could dereference it using a class that doesn't contain it at all! (e). The compiler enforces this order:

int main() { int b::*d = &b::c; e e_; (e_.*d) = 10; /* bug! */ }

It fails to compile now, because e is not derived from b, the class the member pointer pointer belongs to. Good! The following, however, is very valid and compiles, of course (changed classes a and b):

struct a { int c; };
struct b : a { };
struct e : a { };
int main() { int e::*d = &a::c; e e_; (e_.*d) = 10; /* works! */ }

To make it work for your case, you have to make your function a template:

template<typename Class>
void DoThings (int Class::*arg) { /* do something with arg... */ }

Now, the compiler will auto-deduce the right class that the given member pointer belongs too. You will have to pass the instance alongside of the member pointer to actually make use of it:

template<typename Class>
void DoThings (Class & t, int Class::*arg) { 
    /* do something with arg... */ 
    (t.*arg) = 10;

If you just want to set some member you already know at the time you write DoThings, the following suffices:

template<typename Class>
void DoThings (Class & t) {  
    t.c = 10;


Are you simply trying to call a function with the address of an integer that happens to live inside an A or a C object? In that case, Jeff McGlynn's answer is the way to go.

Otherwise, if you really are trying to do something tricky requiring C++'s weird pointer-to-member facility (and you almost certainly aren't):

Since classes A and C are unrelated, you will need a template function to handle both:

template <typename T>
void DoThings(int T::*x);

If C was actually derived from A, the following would work:

void DoThings(int A::*x);

&A::b and &C::d are nonsensical, there is no associated address. Are you trying to get the offset of the member?

Are you sure you don't want something like the following?


If you use templates as j_random_hacker suggests, and the compiler knows the type of each class at the point where you call the function, the literal answer to your question is "template <typename CLASS> void DoThings (CLASS * object, int CLASS::*MEMBER)".

Here's how it would fit into your example:

#include <iostream>

class A {
    int b;

class C {
    int d;

template <typename CLASS>
void DoThings (CLASS * object, int CLASS::*MEMBER)
    std::cout << object->*MEMBER << std::endl;

A obj_a = { 2 };
C obj_c = { 4 };

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    DoThings(&obj_a, &A::b);
    DoThings(&obj_c, &C::d);
    return 0;
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