
is it possible to configure GET method to read variable number of URI parameters and interpret them either as variable argument (array) or collection? I know query parameters can be read as list/set but I can't go for them in my case.


public String getTaskCheckLists(@PathParam("taskId") int... taskId) {
    return Arrays.toString(taskId);

Thanks in advance

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If I understand your question correctly, the @Path annotation can take a regular expression to specify a list of path components. For example, something like:

public String getTaskCheckLists(@PathParam("taskid") List<PathSegment> taskIdList) {

There's a more extensive example here.


I am not submitting this as an answer as it is merely an edge case on the currently accepted answer which is what I've also used. In my case (Jersey 1.19) /list/{taskid:.+} would not work for the edge case of zero variable parameters. Changing the RegEx to /list/{taskid:.*} took care of that. See also this article (which seems to be applicable).

Moreover, upon changing the regexp to cardinality indicator to * (instead of +) I also had to deal programmatically with the case of empty strings as I would translate the List<PathSegment> into a List<String> (to pass it into my DB-access code).

The reason I am translating from PathSegment to String is that I didn't want a class from the package to pollute my Data Access Layer code.

Here's a complete example:

public Response listDirs(@PathParam("dirs") List<PathSegment> pathSegments) {
    List<String> dirs = new ArrayList<>();
    for (PathSegment pathSegment: pathSegments) {
        String path = pathSegment.getPath();
        if ((path!=null) && (!path.trim().equals("")))
    List<String> valueFromDB = db.doSomeQuery(dirs);
    // construct JSON response object ...
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