
We use VS2008 with TFS for source control at my workplace and it works fine, however today we experienced a problem when trying to associate our pending changes with a work item. Usually when I want to associate changes with a work item I just go to the second tab from the top in the "pending changes" window, check the work item that fits the changes and check in. Today however, all my work items were gone from the list. I can select a suitable query from the drop down box and this works fine, so the projects are there.

I think the problem might have something to do with the "My Work Items" query being associated with the wrong TFS project (there are two on our TFS-server) but I don't know how to fix this. The same problem occurred for most of my colleagues with some (possible) variations.

So... how do I restore "My Work Items" to the pending changes window?

EDIT: The problem still persists in a way but I worked my way around it by removing the second project in the Team Explorer. This is acceptable (for now) since that project is not currently active. I am not content with this being a good long term solution, however...

EDIT: I know that I may not have provided enough information for anyone to understand what really is the problem, still, I'll keep it up for now in case someone has had the same problem and knows how to fix it :P

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Close all instances of visual studio and try this in the comandline: "devenv.exe /resetuserdata"


The first time I've seen with this is when I was associating a checkin with a work item and the queries had changed to another Team Project. Can you check the queries are pulling from the correct team project?

Another thing to check is the Event Log of your TFS server for any oddities.

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