
I am trying to write a simple proof of concept application implementing 2.x. I have never seen such poor excuse for documentation. I have so many questions that I can't seem to get answered. It seems that the documentation assumes that you have been using version 1.x and are migrating to 2.x (actually a good portion of the 2.x tutorial is 1.x specific.) Well, I've never used the Java based Quartz, 1.x, and obviously not 2.x. So I will try to lay my question(s) out as organized as I can. An answer to any of them or direction to documentation, a tutorial, etc. would be most welcome.

  • Ultimately I simply want to implement 2.0 to fire any trivial job (embedded. not a service.)

    1. What is structure of the job that executes? A method, class, etc? It seems that it is a class, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer to this question.

    2. Can someone explain what a Factory, Store, and Datamap are and when they should be used?

    3. What's up with the XML? Some tutorial show XML being used... some don't. When and why would I use XML?

I'll stop there for now. I hope someone has the time to help me through this. I would be very much grateful. While code is always helpful, I am more interested in understanding the process. I will need to use in future projects.

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OK, for anyone looking for documentation, the best I could find was the Java documentation that W0lf has linked in the comments. Since is a port of the Java version, the documentation is similar enough to begin to understand some of the inner workings. I am developing some simple jobs to test and gain experience. Hopefully, I can contribute something to the community at some point.

Found another great place for information. The timeline starts by using 1.0 but then migrates to 2.0. But there is great info there and I can't thank the author enough for his work. Here's a link:

On another note, I was a little harsh on Marko Lahma. He is helping to provide an open source product that we can all use. I can't think him and his team enough for that. I do have a peeve when it comes to help requests though. It takes as much time to answer a question as it does to critique it. Why not just answer the question? Anyway, Marko, I apologize for being brash. However, finding time to update your documentation would be extremely helpful. I will contribute what I can as I can.

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