
I'm running tomcat 6.0.20 (with spring, if that matters) and can't seem to get stack traces from uncaught exceptions thrown from within my code to print to catalina.out.

I'm trying to mimic the output that you see in the eclipse console. When I deploy a war on a production server and start tomcat, most of the output goes to catalina.out, but stack traces from exceptions thrown within my own code goes to tomcat/logs/localhost.[date].log.

How can I get all of the relevant logging to go to one file (similar to eclipse's console)?

I'm starting the server by simply running tomcat/bin/

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Edit TOMCAT_HOME/conf/

The default would have the catalina engine log to catalina.log and the localhost logging to localhost.log

like below = ALL = ${catalina.base}/logs = catalina. = ALL = ${catalina.base}/logs = localhost.

Take your pick and edit .prefix to point to the one you want.

Update catalina.out is explicitly referenced as shown below in the start script (but not in the corresponsing bat files) - which is why I dont see the .out file on windows but only on *nix systems

"$CATALINA_BASE"/logs/catalina.out 2>&1

Personally I prefer the Catalina engine logs being separate from my application logs

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