
I've updated to Windows 8, and my same site used to compile in Windows 7, and still does compile on another Windows 7 machine, but I can't get it working. This is the output from the console when I attempt to nanoc compile things:

nanoc compile

Loading site data... done

Captain! We've been hit!


EOFError: end of file reached

Compilation stack:


Stack trace:

  0. lib/static.rb:41:in `readpartial'
  1. lib/static.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in checksum_for'
  2. lib/static.rb:39:in `open'
  3. lib/static.rb:39:in `block in checksum_for'
  4. lib/static.rb:37:in `map'
  5. lib/static.rb:37:in `checksum_for'
  6. lib/static.rb:21:in `block in items'
  7. lib/static.rb:13:in `map'
  8. lib/static.rb:13:in `items'
  9. C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/nanoc-3.5.0/lib/nanoc/base/source_data/
site.rb:310:in `block in load_items'
  ... 35 more lines omitted. See full crash log for details.

If you believe this is a bug in nanoc, please do report it at
-> <-

A detailed crash log has been written to ./crash.log.

Obvious Error message is obvious, but I can't actually figure out how to fix this. Any ideas?

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Okay, well the problem seems to have been with the static data source plugin I was using. I removed the static.rb file in my libs/ folder, it turns out that it's now built in to the latest version of nanoc (3.5.x), so I don't even need it.

Question not answered, but made irrelevant.

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