
What's the right way to turn off all grids in Rpy2 while using the theme_bw theme? I know I can turn on theme_bw as follows:


but unsure how to turn off the grids. thanks.

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It is basically done the same way one would do it when using ggplot2 from R.

Here is an example that turn off the grid intersecting with the X axis. More ways to "theme" a plot can be found in documentations and tutorials for ggplot2.

from rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2 import ggplot, \
                               aes_string, \
                               geom_histogram, \
                               element_blank, \
                               theme_bw, \
from rpy2.robjects import r

nogrid_x_theme = theme(**{'panel.grid.major.x': element_blank(),
                         'panel.grid.minor.x': element_blank()})
iris = r('iris')
p = ggplot(iris) + geom_histogram(aes_string(x = 'Sepal.Width'))
p += theme_bw() + nogrid_x_theme
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