
One of the databases that I'm working on has some quirky behavior that I want to account for in the entity-relationship diagram.

One of the behaviors is that there is a 'booking' table and a 'invoice' table. When a 'booking' is invoiced, then the record is inserted into the 'invoice' table and then deleted from the 'booking' table.

However, a reference is still kept of the booking number.

How do we model this? Big arrow between the tables and some text beside it describing what happens?

No, changing the database schema is not possible at this point in time

Edit: This is the type of diagram that I want to use: alt text Link

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If, by ERD, you mean the original "Chen" diagrams where the relationship was words written in a diamond, then you have a relationship between between Booking and Invoice. It's a special kind of relationship that's NOT implemented with a simple foreign key; it's implemented via a complicated move and a constraint.

If, by ERD, you mean the diagrams that ERwin draws, then you don't have an easy way to do this. It tends to focus you on drawing PK-FK relationships. You have a non-PK-FK relationship between these things. Some kind of line with text is about all you can do.

Arrows, BTW, aren't appropriate because the ERD shows the "state" of the database. Data flowing around isn't part of an ERD. You do have a relationship, it's just not a typical PK-FK relationship. It's an atypical relationship based on rows existing in some places and not existing in others.

In the UML you can easily draw this as a "constraint" among the relationships.


I don't know what these people are talking about.

  1. The Entity Relation Diagram doesn't describe the data fully; yes of course, it only shows Entities and Relations, it doesn't show Attributes. That's why it is called an ERD and not a Data Model. Evidently many people here can't tell the difference.

  2. The Data Model is supposed to show as much as possible. But it depends on (a) the standard [if any] that you use and (b) the Notation. Some show more than others. IDEF1X which is the only Relational modelling Standard (NIST 184 of 1993). It is the most complete, and shows intricacies and complexities that other notations do not show. Recently MS and others have come out with "simplified" notations, of course, much is lost in the "ERDs".

  3. It is not "process flow", it is a relation in a database.

  4. UML is completely inappropriate for modelling data, especially when there is at least one Standard plus several non-standard but commonly used data modelling notations. There is nothing that can be shown in UML that can't be shown in IDEF1X. But most developers here have never heard of it (developers should not be modelling unless they have acquired modelling skills, but that is another story)..

  5. This is a perfectly legal; it may not be commonly known, but it is legal and named. It is a Supertype-Subtype relation, except that the Cardinality is 1::0-n instead of 1::0-1. The IDEF1X Notation (right) has a Subtype symbol. Note there is only one relation at the parent end; and one each at the child end. And of course the crows feet show the cardinality. These relations can be Exclusive or Non-exclusive; yours is Exclusive; that is what the X through the half-circle means.

    • ERwin is the only modelling (not diagramming) tool that implements IDEF1X, and thus has the full complement of the IDEF1X Notation.

    • Of course, the Standard, the modelling capability, are all in the mind, not in the tool. I draw Data Models that are IDEF1X-compliant using a simple drawing tool.

  6. I find that some developers baulk at the Subtype symbol, so I show a simplified version (left) in my IDEF1X models; it is intended to convey the sense of exclusivity, while the retention of the single line at the parent end indicates it is a subtype.

Lott: Click hereLink to Data ModelLott: Click here

Link to IDEF1X Notation for those who are unfamiliar with the Relational Modelling Standard.

Sounds like a process flow, not an entity relationship. If at the time the entry is added to invoice, and the entry is deleted from booking, then there is never a relationship between the two. There is never a situation where you can traverse that relationship because there is never a record in both places that can be related together.

ERD don't describe the database fully. There are other things like process flow and use cases that detail other facets of the system.

This is kind of an analogy to UML for software. A class diagram doesn't show you all the different ways classes interact. One class might initialize locally and call functions of another class, but because there is not composition or inheritance that relates those two classes, then the class diagram doesn't show this relationship. Only when you fully document the system with all the various types of diagrams can you see all the facets of how it operates.

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