
Please help me in resolving this problem:

The type arguments for method 'Infragistics.Web.Mvc.InfragisticsSuite. DataChart(System.Linq.IQueryable)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.


            namespace MvcApplication2.Models
                public class StockMarketDataPoint
                    public double Open { get; set; }
                    public double High { get; set; }
                    public double Low { get; set; }
                    public double Close { get; set; }
                    public double Volume { get; set; }
                    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
                    public string DateString { get { return Date.ToShortDateString(); } }


                 public class Default1Controller : Controller
                        public ActionResult Index()
                                List<StockMarketDataPoint> stockMarketData = new List<StockMarketDataPoint>
                                new StockMarketDataPoint { Date = DateTime.Parse("2.1.2010"), Open = 1000, High = 1028.75, Low = 985.25, Close = 1020, Volume = 1995 },

                                new StockMarketDataPoint { Date = DateTime.Parse("3.1.2010"), Open = 1020, High = 1032.5, Low = 999.5, Close = 1021, Volume = 1964.5 },

                            new StockMarketDataPoint { Date = DateTime.Parse("4.1.2010"), Open = 1021, High = 1033.5, Low = 996, Close = 1033, Volume = 1974.75 },

                            new StockMarketDataPoint { Date = DateTime.Parse("5.1.2010"), Open = 1033, High = 1062, Low = 1018.75, Close = 1042, Volume = 1978.5 },

                            new StockMarketDataPoint { Date = DateTime.Parse("6.1.2010"), Open = 1042, High = 1058.5, Low = 1019.75, Close = 1029, Volume = 1979 },

                            new StockMarketDataPoint { Date = DateTime.Parse("7.1.2010"), Open = 1029, High = 1050.75, Low = 1006, Close = 1042, Volume = 1990 }

                        return View(stockMarketData);


            @using Infragistics.Web.Mvc

            @model MvcApplication2.Models.StockMarketDataPoint

                Layout = null;

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                Here is a chart 



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You are defining the model in the view as

 @model MvcApplication2.Models.StockMarketDataPoint

While passing a list? Try:

@model IQueryable<MvcApplication2.Models.StockMarketDataPoint>

Edit: Also make sure you pass IQueryable to the view as in

return View(stockMarketData.AsQueryable());

if you have to. That will fix the model error but still won't get you the chart up and running - missing axes and series definitions. Tested this for example:

    .Axes((axes) =>
            .Label((item) => item.Date)
    .Series(series =>

I'd suggest you familiarize yourself with the chart a bit :) Relevant sample and blog .

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