
hi i am trying to make a wizard for first time i want to disable all accordion tabs when i click on the link it enable next tab and open it.. i hve this code but it disable all tabs :( thanks

$(function() {
    autoHeight: false,
    navigation: false
$("#list1a").accordion("activate", 2 ); 
Was it helpful?


Don't use the accordion for that, it's not intended for wizardry. And since there's no wizard component available in jquery UI, lets make our own ;)


<ul class="ui-wizard">
   <li class="ui-wizard-panel">
      <h3 class="ui-wizard-header">panel 1</h3>
      <div class="ui-wizard-content">
          Panel content
          <span class="ui-wizard-next">Goto next</span>
   <li class="ui-wizard-panel">
      <h3 class="ui-wizard-header">panel 1</h3>
      <div class="ui-wizard-content">
          Panel content
          <span class="ui-wizard-next">Goto next</span>

javascript plugin:

$.fn.wizard = function(){
   this.find('.ui-wizard-content:last .ui-wizard-next').hide(); // just in case
   this.delegate('.ui-wizard-next', 'click', function(){
      // very long jquery chain...

javascript impl:


Ofcourse.. you'd have to theme it yourself, though copy/pasting and renaming accordion styles gets you a long way. A nicer way would be to make an official wizard widget out of this.


Can also check out this code: Think it's exactly what you need.

Try ui-state-disabled class: Consider this piece of code that allows user go back, but not go to next accordion tab:

function disableAccordionNextTabs () {
    var $accordion  = $(".accordion");
    var active      = $accordion.accordion('option', 'active');
    var $headers    = $accordion.find($accordion.accordion('option', 'header'));

    for (var i = active; i >= 0; i--) {
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