
Long story short, I have begun working with uitableview a not long ago. I finally got everything down except for proper sorting.

I can sort ascending and descending but not numerically

I have been told that I need to use nsdictionary or nsnumber and compare results to sort proper

In other words I have the nsmutablearray numberArray... And it adds numbers but in string format so the numbers 25, 32, 15 and 3 will show in the view as, 32, 3, 25 and 15.

I have looked and read for hours, hours of testing with different codes and such nix any get any results... Can anyone please direct me?

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You need to sort on 'intValue' of the strings:

NSMutableArray *toBeSorted = [NSMutableArray array];
...add stuff to the array...
NSSortDescriptor *mySorter = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"intValue" ascending:YES] autorelease];
[toBeSorted sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:mySorter]];

So while the above will work, tc's suggestion of using:

toBeSorted = [toBeSorted sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedStandardCompare:)];

is a more elegant solution.

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