
I don´t know if I have forgotten how to do so or if it´s a bug, but I just can´t find the caller's reference in the "click" event using jQuery.

I´m doing the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#parent a.item').click(doSomething);

function doSomething(e) {
    // Alerts for demostrational purposes only

All the alerts show the hyperlink´s href attribute(page URL + '#').
Am I doing something wrong?

Notes: Using jQuery 1.4.2.

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It's because you're alerting so you're seeing the string representation (since alert() takes a string)...which for an anchor is the href. You could do this for example:

alert(; //or perhaps alert(; - alerts the href
alert(;  //or perhaps alert(this.innerHTML); - alerts the html

You can try it out/play with it here, note that this and aren't always the same, if the click came from a child element, they'll be different.

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