
I've been searching the internet without success, looking for info on acts_as_ferret. The few pages I've found show methods that apparently doesn't exist any more (my rails app show me the "method not found error", and the docs in the acts_as_ferret page are very scarce. Anyone have a good tutorial or API docs about this plugin?

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The rdoc is placed in your /ruby/gems/1.8/doc/acts_as_ferret-0.5.2/rdoc/index.html directory by default when you install a gem. This should be correct & current with respect to the version you're using. That's usually the best bet if things aren't current online. It looks like there's some documentation here as well:, not sure if it's appropriate to the version you're using.

If you have a chance, take a look at It's quite popular and has a good amount of current online documentation.


And don't forget you also have the source code. Gemedit is nice for quick viewing of gem source code:

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