
I recently started with delphi and now I want to get all mp3 files from a directory. I want something like the php function glob().

Was it helpful?


The old way of doing it is approx:

  status : dword;
  sr : TSearchRec;
  status := FindFirst('*.mp3',faAnyFile,sr);
  while status = 0 do

     // sr.Name is the filename; add it to a list
     // or something. Note there is no path so you
     // may need to add that back on somewhere

     status := FindNext(sr);

  // ...


Try IOUtils.TDirectory.

If additional libraries are ok for you, take a look at the Jedi Code Library.

In unit common\JclFileUtils, there is a compact helper function:

function BuildFileList(const Path: string; 
  const Attr: Integer; const List: TStrings; 
  IncludeDirectoryName: Boolean = False): Boolean;

The JCL is well maintained and includes great extensions and some IDE improvements. The (very easy to use) JCL installer is available at

The ancient TFileListBox in the Delphi FileCtrl unit is a good solution.

It has been there since Delphi 1, and About Delphi has a nice example on how to use it.

You can drop it on a form, set Visible = False, and never worry about it.

It supports filtering (for instance on extension), so it will work very nicely with your *.mp3 criterion.


a very nice free component is TFindFile at Delphi Area:

it will give you complete control over searching for files/folders, threaded or non

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