
I am using the excellent "Learn Python The Hard Way" tutorials and i am wondering does anyone know if its possible to create block comments in it? I note from a similar question here that it does not seem to be possible in Python but that some editors have implemented methods to do it.

EDIT I have edited the above question to provide more detail and to use the term "block comment" insted of "block quote"


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This is a duplicate question: Commenting/Uncommenting a block of Python code in TextWrangler

However, I recommend you not bother with those 9 steps and instead just download sublime text 2.

It is an excellent editor for Python (I believe that's the language its written in, in fact.) and you can accomplish what you're looking for by simply highlighting the code block and using the comment/uncomment keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+/


In textwrangler on a mac, this worked for me. Highlight the text you want to comment out. Hold down the Command Key and hit /.

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