
Background: I'm currently developing the client side for a web application, using JavaScript, with jQuery and Backbone.js (these are required by the proponent).
This is an application to visualize and edit data, in a graphical mode (through interactive diagrams representing the data, mainly).

Terminology: Said data is under the format of multiple documents, each containing a list of items.
For the purpose of this question, let the items be composed by an identifier, a textual description, and links to items in other documents. Links should be symmetric (i1 -> i2 exists if and only if i2 -> i1 also exists).

The Current Goal: In this phase, the application should be able to read two documents, display both lists side by side, and then draw lines, connecting the items between both documents, according to their links.
These lines should be editable. In other words, the user should be able to create new links, or remove existing ones (reflecting the changes on the item models).

These documents can be somewhat long, say, some dozens of items (maybe a few hundreds, in a realistic scenario). Of course, the page will be scrollable, to allow the user to see everything.

Also, for user convenience, there should be a slider to scale the view (allowing zoom in/out effects, so the user is given a global and a local view, being the latter more adequate for editing and the former for analysis).
Furthermore, the user should be allowed to hide particular items (useful when an item has many links, creating visual rubbish).

What I've managed to do:

  • Read data and map it to Backbone models and collections;
  • Display both documents side by side (Backbone views), with item connections;
  • Allow interactivity on these connections (drag-and-drop to create lines, click to remove), reflecting changes on Backbone models;
  • Hide particular items;
  • Scale effects.

I've achieved this using SVG, after coming across jsPlumb.

The Problem at Hands: The application still needs adjustments (emphasis on the scaling effects). Regardless, I found jsPlumb to be comfortable to work with. However, rendering performance seems to be a little lacking, when using the slider (it's possible that the slider steps are too small, thus firing too many events).

The proponent suggested that I try, instead, Sankey diagrams, to represent this kind of data. They also suggested that I try Sankey by tamc, based on Raphaël.js.
Of course, the visual factor is also contributive.

My question(s): Does this library have a good compatibility with Backbone? Possibly, if I use the resulting SVG elements as Backbone views' elements.
Also, does any of the two have a significant rendering performance advantage over the other?

On a final note, are there any other libraries more adequate to this scenario, worth the time of rewritting the application, that I might suggest to the proponents?

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The project is going on, and I ended up using Sankey by tamc, with some extra work of my own, to better adapt it to this particular case.

enter image description here

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