
My graph has the following declaration

struct vertex_info 
  std::string name;
  std::string label;    
  unsigned int type;
  bool isND; 

struct edge_info 
  std::string name;
  long capacity;
  long residualCapacity;
  long rev;

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS
  , vertex_info, edge_info > expr_graph_t;

I have constructed a graph (flow network) flowG with source and sink nodes. Now I want to calculate max-flow using push_relabel method given in boost graph library. I am calling the function as following .

  push_relabel_max_flow(flowG, source, sink
      , get(&edge_info::capacity, flowG)
      , get(&edge_info::residualCapacity, flowG)
      , get(&edge_info::rev, flowG)
      , get(boost::vertex_index, flowG)

Compiler (g++) is generating long error messages (pasted here). I suspect that I am not able to pass correct types of maps to the function. Function signature is available here in boost-doc.

There are many examples given in document but they are using a graph is different than mine. I can not change the graph declaration else a lot of code will break. I am not used to boost property_map concept.

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This solution is due to llonesmiz.

The problem is that reverse_edge_map requires a property map with key_type=edge_descriptor and value_type=edge_descriptor and the one I used has value_type=long. I declared rev as adjacency_list_traits<vecS,vecS,bidirectionalS>::edge_descriptor. And it compiled thought I generated a seg-fault which I believe is a problem with logic of function and not with the prototype of the function.

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