
I'm still completely newbie at I apologize for my english.

I want to get a gameserver information from server. Server is using GameSpy protocol. In order to get information, you will have to send a request. Server will answer to it and you need to send another packet based of this server response. Then server will send you information. I know what packets to send and what is expected to receive, that is not a problem.

I'm stuck in actually receiving answer from server. With wireshark, I can see that my program correctly sends packet to server AND server responds to it. However, I'm not sure how to get that response to my program.

This is how I send it:

    Dim sock As UdpClient
    Dim ip As String = ""
    Dim port As Int32 = 2302

        sock = New UdpClient()
        sock.Connect(ip, port)

        Dim Bytes() As Byte = {&HFE, &HFD, &H9, &HFF, &HFF, &HFF, &H1}
        sock.Send(Bytes, Bytes.Length)

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try

Heres screencap of that packet, that server sends to me:

How I can receive that packet into my program? I plan to query few other servers aswell, which are on same IP but on different port.

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May this sample code will help you pal
Simple UDP Client Sample

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