
I have a datagrid for my customer data. My customer entity has a collection of notes exposed.

I need a method of displaying an image in a column based on the notes status, if any of my notes have a status of "warning", then display a warning image otherwise a normal status image.

Is this do-able?

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Solution 2

I added a read only [NotMapped] property to my Customer entity(am using Entity Framework 4) which returned a boolean and then bound an Image inside DataGridTemplateColumn to this and set the source using a value converter:


public bool ShowWarning 
        if (this.AuditableNotes != null && this.AuditableNotes.Count(an => an.Warning) > 0)
            return true;
            return false;


            <Image x:Name="MyImage" Source="{Binding ShowWarning, Converter={StaticResource notesStatusConverter}}" Width="25" Height="20"/>


public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
    if (value != null && (bool)value == true)
        return "/Assets/Images/symbol_error.png";
        return "/Assets/Images/symbol_information.png";



Yes there are multiple ways to accomplish this.

If you have a customer ViewModel, then just expose a property that tells you whether the particular customer has a warning status in their notes collection, and then use that to determine whether to show the image or not.

Another option would be to use a ValueConverter that takes in your notes collection and then determines whether to show the image.

I am sure that there are other approaches, but these are the ones that popped into my head.

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