
I'm using PDFKit in Rails that displays tables from my db. I want each table to have its own separate page. How can I achieve this?

html = "<p>HTML content here</p>"

kit =, :page_size => 'Letter')
  output = kit.to_pdf

respond_to do |format|

format.pdf do
  send_data output, :filename => "trading_analysis.pdf",
                    :type => "application/pdf"
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Okay not sure if this maybe what you are exactly looking for but it is certainly most worth considering. You could alternatively look at using wickedpdf and then wrapping a div around your content and the following in your CSS. {
  width: 180mm;
  height: 277mm;
  overflow: hidden;
  page-break-before: always;

EDIT: page-break-after: always; added a blank page at times, so we should use page-break-before: always;

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