
I have a data query in Excel that returns multiple rows of information for a single employee. The employee are sorted by an EmployeeID, and the data contains Pay Rates and Dates.

I have sorted the information by date descending in order to give me the first Pay Rate for an employee to put within a VLookUp for another sheet in my workbook. Now I need a formula to give me to next date in line so I can find the second earliest date in the range. Can this be done?

Data example:
1255  7.50   06/11/2012
1255  7.00   09/11/2011
1255  6.50   05/12/2011
2548  12.50  03/02/2012
2548  12.00  01/13/2012
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Say your current formula is:


This can be converted to


It does the same thing (search in A for a match and return the result from column C). Now you can easily get the next match:


If you want to test if it's still the same employee (in column B), the formula is a bit more complicated:

=IF(INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH(A1,Sheet1!A:A,0))=INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH(A1,Sheet1!A:A,0)+1),INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH(A1,Sheet1!A:A,0)+1),"Only one entry!")


Do you want the date or the pay rate? If it's the date then if you have employee ID in E2 and first date (extracted by VLOOKUP) for that employee in F2 then this formula will give the second date


confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

You can get the next date in the same way - if there isn't another date for that employee you get #N/A

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