
Html structure:

   <div id="product">
     <p>some text</p>
     <p>some text2</p>

My PHP code:

$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', $url);
echo $crawler->filter('#product')->text();


some text some text2

But I need:

<p>some text</p>
<p>some text2</p>
Was it helpful?


Well, there is one but ugly way - via iterating over its nodes:

$html = '';

foreach ($crawler as $domElement) {
    $html.= $domElement->ownerDocument->saveHTML();

Or, in your case, you should iterate over filtered element:

$html = '';     
$product = $crawler->filter('#produkt');
foreach ($product as $domElement) {
    foreach($domElement->childNodes as $node) {
        $html .= $domElement->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node);

From documentation

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