
I would like to create a class level decorator that automatically adds a property to an object, including the appropriate getter and setter methods and a backing variable. For example:

@autoproperty("foo", can_get=True, can_set=True, allow_null=False, default_value=0)
@autoproperty("baz", can_get=True, can_set=False, allow_null=True, default_value=0)
class SomeNonTrivialClass(object):
   def __init__(self):
      #lots of stuff going on here

   def discombobulate(self):
      #this is obviously a very trivial example
      local_foo =;

      if (local_foo > 10):
         raise RuntimeError("Foo can never be more than 10")
         #do whatever with foo

if __name__ == '__main__':
   test = SomeNonTrivialClass() = 5
   test.discombobulate() = 11

I often find myself creating lots of "semi-complex" getters/setters (they could be done with just a simple property but they need default values and null protection. I would like to just be able to specify a decorator that does the heavy lifting of creating the properties on new instances of the class.

If I am way off base in this approach, I am open to an equally viable approach.

Any help would be appreciated.

I am working with python 3.X and python 2.7 so something that works in either is preferred but not necessary.

Update: I have added a bit more variety in what I am looking for. In general I need to be able to create a lot of these simple automatic properties (ala C# auto-property, but with a bit more flexibility). I do not necessarily want to expose the backing store, but I do want to make sure that an inspection of the instantiated object (not necessarily the class) shows the properties which have been created.

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The following class decorator would do that:

def autoproperty(name, can_get=True, can_set=True, allow_null=False, default_value=0):
    attribute_name = '_' + name
    def getter(self):
        return getattr(self, attribute_name, default_value)
    def setter(self, value):
        if not allow_null and value is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot set {} to None'.format(name))
        setattr(self, attribute_name, value)

    prop = property(getter if can_get else None, setter if can_set else None)

    def decorator(cls):
        setattr(cls, name, prop)
        return cls

    return decorator

but you could just as well create a property factory:

def autoproperty(attribute_name, can_get=True, can_set=True, allow_null=False, default_value=0):
    def getter(self):
        return getattr(self, attribute_name, default_value)
    def setter(self, value):
        if not allow_null and value is None:
            raise ValueError('Cannot set {} to None'.format(name))
        setattr(self, attribute_name, value)
    return property(getter if can_get else None, setter if can_set else None)

then set that in the class with:

class SomeNonTrivialClass(object):
    # ...

    foo = autoproperty('_foo', can_get=True, can_set=True, allow_null=False, default_value=0)

The class decorator would make more sense if you needed to create multiple properties (perhaps with interdependencies) instead.


Here's a more direct approach, which avoids decorating the class.

class SomeNonTrivialClass(object):
   def __init__(self):
      #lots of stuff going on here

   foo = autoproperty("foo", can_get=True, can_set=True, allow_null=False, default_value=0)

   def discombobulate(self):
      #this is obviously a very trivial example
      local_foo =;

class autoproperty(property):
    def __init__(self, name, can_get, can_set, allow_null, default_value):
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