
There have been substantial features and improvements in C# with each new release of the .NET framework, and in the upgrade from .NET1.0 to .NET2.0, Managed C++ was replaced with C++/CLI, which was a great improvement.

Have there been any improvements in C++/CLI since .NET2.0?

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VC++ 2008 did not add much for C++/CLI. However, 2010 is going to add a lot of new features. You can see the improvements in VC++ 2010 here.

One major improvement in the 2010 beta is the addition of Lambda Expressions.

RValue referencing via && looks promising (if a bit confusing at times), and the auto keyword looks like it'll simplify quite a few things. It's pretty much the C++ version of C#'s var keyword, which really simplifies using .NET collections.

The other additions are decltype and static_assert, both of which look helpful.


Be warned: Visual Studio 2010 no longer supports Intellisense for C++/CLI.

"While the lack of Intellisense for C++/CLI is unfortunate, we expect that it only represents a small portion of your source code that you don't need to edit nearly as often as the native code."

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