
I am trying to build a CellTable Widget for time tracking. The first Column must represent all days for current month in following form

Fri, 1
Sat, 2
Sun, 3
Mon, 4
Tue, 5

etc. till the end of the month (28 -31 rows).

My code looks like that:

Column<Rec,String> dayColumn = new Column<Rec,String>(new TextCell())
    public String getValue(Rec rec) 
        dayNr = DateTimeFormat.getFormat( "EE,d" ).format(new Date());
        return dayNr;    

table.addColumn(dayColumn, "Date");

So can I see in this Column only Today-date in all cells. How can I get all days of the month (1...28/30/31) in this Column each in its own cell?

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It would be ideal if you prepared the list of Rec items with a Date variable.

Declaring a Rec pojo with date

Class Rec{
 Date date;
 //getter and setters.

Populate list of Rec items

List<Rec> recItems = new ArrayList<Rec>();

Date now = new Date();
int nowMonth = now.getMonth();
int nowYear = now.getYear();
List<Date> listOfDatesInThisMonth = new ArrayList<Date>();
Date beginningOfMonth = new Date(nowYear,nowMonth,1);
Date beginningOfNextMonth = new Date(nowYear,nowMonth+1,1);
Date start = beginningOfMonth;
 start = new Date(nowYear,nowMonth,start.getDate()+1);
for(Date date:listOfDatesInThisMonth){
 Rec recItem = new Rec();
 recItems.add(recItem );


Column<Rec,String> dayColumn = new Column<Rec,String>(new TextCell())
    public String getValue(Rec rec) 
        dayNr = DateTimeFormat.getFormat( "EE,d" ).format(rec.getDate());
        return dayNr;    


Something like this ??

private static String getMonthsString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
Date date = new Date() ;
 int i = date.getMonth();
   if(i==2)//feb {
    for (int j = 0; j < 28; j++) {
       buffer.append(DateTimeFormat.getFormat( "EE,d" ).format( new Date(new Date().getTime() + ((1000 * 60 * 60 * 24*j)))));   
            return buffer.toString(); 


In a Cell Table each row is one record. A month will have atleast 28 days. So you must build atleast 28 records and do setList or setData on the cell Table. A short code snippet is given below -

Date currentDate = new Date();

Map<Integer, String> daysMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
daysMap .put(0,"Sunday");
daysMap .put(6, "Saturday");

Map<Integer, Integer> monthMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
monthMap.put(0, 31);
monthMap.put(0, 31);

List<Rec> list = new ArrayList<Rec>();

for(int i=1;i <= monthMap.get(currentDate.getMonth());i++)
       list.add(new Rec( daysMap.get(currentDate.getDay())+" , "+ i ));

Column<Rec,String> dayColumn = new Column<Rec,String>(new TextCell())
    public String getValue(Rec rec) 
        return rec.getDayDateString(); // which returns Friday, 1 etc.   

table.addColumn(dayColumn, "Date");

ListDataProvider<Rec> listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider<Rec>();

listDataProvider.setList( list );

You could get the dates of each month on the server side using java.util.Calendar

Showing a scrollable list for dates is horrible usability. I would suggest using a DatePickerCell instead. It uses a date picker, so that the user can just click on the date to choose it.

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