

To access a url that doesn't require http authenticate it's quite easy:

telnet 80
Get /videostream.cgi HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html;text/plain

User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.5.13
Connection: close

But how to specify admin:123456?

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See the RFC or This Wikipedia article.

It can be educational to use Wireshark, or some other LAN sniffer, to watch what a browser and server do when you access a URL with embedded credentials such as your http://admin:123456@


For basic authentication, you specify the username and password as username:password, then Base64-encode it and use it as an argument to the Authentication header:

Authorization: Basic YXNkZjoxMjM0

YXNkZjoxMjM0 decodes to asdf:1234; I used curl -u adsf:1234 (specifying the username "asdf" and password "1234") to produce this result.

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