Sumproduct formula returns a #VALUE! error when the last array refers to a column with formulas in every row. MS Excel 2010



I am trying to find an easy way to calculate commissions off of sales on multiple sheets within a workbook. Each month, I need to find the total net profit for only items sold within the specified month.

The formula I am currently using is:

=SUMPRODUCT((TEXT('Sheet Name'!$P$3:P24,"MY")=TEXT($G$4,"MY"))*'Sheet Name'!$M$3:M24)
  • Column P shows the Sold Date,
  • Column M includes a formula in each row to calculate the net profit, and
  • cell G4 is where I would enter the month & year I am currently working with.

I have come to the conclusion that it only gives me the #VALUE! error because of the formula in each row of Column M (example: =IF(OR(F15=0,G15=0)," ",(F15-L15)) ).

When I reference a different column (in place of Column M) that does not contain formulas it works perfectly (example: =SUMPRODUCT((TEXT('Sheet Name'!$P$3:P24,"MY")=TEXT($G$4,"MY"))*'Sheet Name'!$G$3:G24) ). Also, changing the astrisk to a comma causes the formula to calculate incorrectly and add the (--(TEXT double negative does not fix the problem.

How to I get this array to calculate without removing the formulas from Column M?

Thanks for your attention.

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I presume it is giving you a #VALUE error because your formula results in text (a space) and it errors when trying to multiply a space by a number (aka True or False). I think you would be better served changing your M column formula to =IF(OR(F15=0,G15=0),0,(F15-L15)). Do you have a specific reason to not make it evaluate to 0? Also is there a reason you are converting to text to do your month/year check?

Try something like this: =SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH('Sheet Name'!$P$3:P24)=MONTH($G$4)),--(YEAR('Sheet Name'!$P$3:P24)=YEAR($G$4)),'Sheet Name'!$M$3:M24). Of course this is dependent on entering the dates as actual dates. The -- is used to change a logical/boolean (true/false) into a 1 or 0. It won't do anything useful to text. For example, it should also work as =SUMPRODUCT((MONTH('Sheet Name'!$P$3:P24)=MONTH($G$4))*(YEAR('Sheet Name'!$P$3:P24)=YEAR($G$4))*'Sheet Name'!$M$3:M24) since the multiplication converts the truthy statements to numbers. The trick is to make sure when everything else evaluates, you have =sumproduct(numbers,numbers,numbers). Your instance is one array of =sumproduct(numbers/text).

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