
I have to replace the oldValue in the date tag with the newValue in the below XML. I am using setAttribute function to do that but it doesn't seem to work. Please do let me know if I have to use a different function for replace text between tags.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>  

Document doc = builder.parse(new File("myFile.xml"));  
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();  
System.out.println("Using getElementByTagName date: " + root.getElementsByTagName("date").item(0).getTextContent());  
System.out.println("Using getAttribute        date: " + root.getAttribute("date"));
root.setAttribute("date", "newValue");  
System.out.println("Using getElementByTagName date: " + root.getElementsByTagName("date").item(0).getTextContent());  
System.out.println("Using getAttribute        date: " + root.getAttribute("date"));


 Using getElementByTagName date: oldValue  
 Using getAttribute        date:  
 Using getElementByTagName date: oldValue  
 Using getAttribute        date: test  

With the a lot of reading/experimentation, I have found setAttribute() works for replacing an XML like this. But, this doesn't work for me.

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You need setTextContent(String textContent) method and not setAttribute method.


oldValue is the TextContent of <date> element, not attribute. Check here to find what is attribute.


If you set attribute you change attribute of node root, so it will be like <root attrName = "attrValue">

There are questions which can help you to find an answer.

Problems setting a new node value in java, dom, xml parsing
dynamically set value to xml using jdom

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