
Many times I will use the same font scheme for static text in a wxPython application. Currently I am making a SetFont() call for each static text object but that seems like a lot of unnecessary work. However, the wxPython demo and wxPython In Action book don't discuss this.

Is there a way to easily apply the same SetFont() method to all these text objects without making separate calls each time?

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You can do this by calling SetFont on the parent window (Frame, Dialog, etc) before adding any widgets. The child widgets will inherit the font.


Maybe try subclassing the text object and in your class __init__ method just call SetFont()?

Or, do something like:

def f(C):
  x = C()
  x.SetFont(font) # where font is defined somewhere else
  return x

and then just decorate every text object you create with with it:

text = f(wx.StaticText)

(of course, if StaticText constructor requires some parameters, it will require changing the first lines in f function definition).

If all widgets have already been created, you can apply SetFont recursively, for example with the following function:

def changeFontInChildren(win, font):
    Set font in given window and all its descendants.
    @type win: L{wx.Window}
    @type font: L{wx.Font}
        pass # don't require all objects to support SetFont
    for child in win.GetChildren():
        changeFontInChildren(child, font)

An example usage that causes all text in frame to become default font with italic style:

newFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
changeFontInChildren(frame, newFont)

The solution given above by @DzinX worked for me when changing the font dynamically in a Panel that already had children and was already being shown.

I ended up modifying it as follows because the original gave me trouble in corner cases (i.e. when using an AuiManager with Floating frames).

def change_font_in_children(win, font):
    Set font in given window and all its descendants.
    @type win: L{wx.Window}
    @type font: L{wx.Font}
    for child in win.GetChildren():
        change_font_in_children(child, font)
        pass # don't require all objects to support SetFont
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