
I'm getting an error with my jQuery.

Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Object] is not a function jquery.custom.js:19

portfolio_quicksand jquery.custom.js:19
(anonymous function) jquery.custom.js:71
l jquery.js:2
c.fireWith jquery.js:2
v.extend.ready jquery.js:2
A jquery.js:2

This is the line 19 of the javascript. It looks fine to me. Any thoughts would be great! $filter = $('.filter a').attr('class');

I'm calling jQuery like the following...

 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
Was it helpful?


Can you just try this jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //your code here });


try :


$ is just a short cut for jQuery(document).ready(function() {}

Are you sure you are using jQuery or Java in your custom script (line 19) ?

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