
I'm reading all of these blogs about using the Html.ActionLink method with lambda expressions. I even saw a ScottGu presentation about it here:

Here's a blog:

Here's a ScottGu blog about it:

"Can also be written as:

<%= Html.ActionLink("Search Drinks", s => s.Results("Beverages", 2)) %>

With this being such a powerful way to write URL routes - ESPECIALLY since it automatically supports refactoring tools - why is this either apparently missing or so hard to find? I looked at System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions in Reflector and I see plenty of ActionLink(this HtmlHelper...) extension methods, but none that are generic.

Anyone have help? Thanks!!

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It got moved out to the Futures assembly (Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll) as, from what I understand, there were some issues the dev team needed to sort through.


It's supposed to be included in ASP.NET MVC Futures.

So I guess the answer is just that it didn't quite make it into the first release.

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