
I have a field where the user can input text and I want them to be able to insert tags like




as representation of where I would like to insert an html img. . So if I can somehow extract that tag from the text field into a variable that I can use for the substitution. If I were to write out the processes it would be like this.

get a list of every tag in the specified field loop through the list keeping track of where it is in the text set the tag to a var $tag = tagfound substitute the tag

  Substitute (  texfield;  "<$tag>"; '<img src=\"cid:$tag\'>" ;

and at this point I would also do other things with the $tag before i went on to the next itteration

anyone know if this is possible /how to make this happen?

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Take 2 (thanks for the clarification):

Since you need to loop, you need either a script or a custom function. I'll show you with a script since everyone has scriptmaker (whereas you need FMPA to get access to custom functions).

The result will be in a variable called $tag_list which you can do what you want with afterwards.

FileMaker script screen shot


You use the let function to assign variables in a FileMaker calculation:

Let (
$impact = '<impact>';
$signature = '<signature>' // Notice that the semi-colon is on the next line and not this one.

Substitute ( textfield; $impact; 'replacement text')

) // End Let function.

You can also use let as sort of like a script to make multiple changes like so:

Let (
$impact = '<impact>';
$signature = '<signature>';

$impact_replaced = Substitute ( textfield; $impact; 'replacement text');
$signature_replaced = Substitute ( $impact_replaced; $signature; 'replacement text')

$signature_replaced // This is the return value from the calculation.


Maybe this custom function may help.

You don't need to "use the tags as variables", if the tags are known in advance just do a Substitute like:

Substitute ( text ; "<tag>" ; "newvalue" )

You can also nest multiple substitutes, check the docs for details.

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