
I have a scenario to get Query Params from the URL. There is a method called toQueryParams() which will get all params. But when the URL is the same method returning the same URL as query param, URL as key and undefined as value.

var param = window.location.href.toQueryParams()

This is the code I have used.

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When the URL has no query parameters ie no ? or & part of the URL then there are no query parameters except for the URL.

So how I usually use this method on a given URL

var param = window.location.href.toQueryParams();
if(param.arg != undefined)
    //do things with the arg parameter
if( != undefined)
    //do things with the search param
    alert('User has selected '' as the search parameter');

So if the given param does not exist then I don't try and handle it. The method toQueryParam() is giving you a error you can handle instead of an Exception or full on JS error that stops your JS execution.


I tried in the following way, to resolve this issue.

if ( != "") { // this means the url has no query params
var param = window.location.href.toQueryParams(); // param Object will holds queryparams in key and value form
} else {
var param = new Object(); // param will has no queryParmas but, it is an empty object
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