
Is there a (standardized) way to get the name of the current method using c++?

Using GNU GCC you can do this by using the macro __FUNCTION__ and __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ (surrounded by 2 underscores), however, this is of course non portable. Is there a way to do this in standard c++ or a way to make it portable?

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The __func__ identifier is part of the C99 standard and is in the C++0x draft.

The identifier __func__ is implicitly declared by the compiler as if the following were at the very start of each function body:

static const char __func__[] = "function-name";

where function-name is an implementation-defined string automatically provided by the compiler.

Until support for those standards is available (or more widely available) you're stuck with compiler-specific gunk.


No...... but some things end up being non standard standards!

see which outlines the ANSI standard stuff, and then microsofs which includes FUNCTION

No, it is not supported by c++ standard.

It's called "introspection" and there is no such a thing in c++ standards. You should use an external library (boost I think supports it somehow). But try figure out if the reason for using it is really a good one.

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