
I recently upgraded my Ubuntu 10.04 server to 5.4 using these instructions:

I'm experiencing some rather critical errors, and need to downgrade to 5.3. I've found guides and scripts for later versions of Ubuntu, but the ones I have tried have thrown errors.

How can I downgrade?

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The problem is you need to remove the PPA after that is done, you can simply install the original packages from ubuntu again. There is a Tool called ppa-purge which does this exact thing. It's not installed by default so simply install it using:

$ sudo apt-get install ppa-purge

Then remove the PPA. All packages you installed from this PPA get removed too!

$ sudo ppa-purge ppa:ondrej/php5

Install the official packages from ubuntu again:

$ sudo apt-get install php5 # ... other PHP 5.3 stuff

You may wan't to remove ppa-purge afterwards:

$ sudo apt-get remove ppa-purge


you can remove the repo list as per the guide you mention. Remove your php by doing below

apt-get remove php5

apt-get purge php5

After which do an update of your pkg list

apt-get update

and now install the default version of php that comes with 10.04

apt-get install php

Just a note, you can also force install a deb package that is available from ubuntu

apt-get install somepackage=someversion

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