
Is there a way to repeat the column headers inside each group of a ListView.GridView when using a grouped CollectionViewSource as the source of the ListView?

I am using the example at which uses an Expander control to display each group.

I would like the column headers to appear inside the expander for each group instead of at the top of the ListView.

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I haven't tried this, but you may be able to include GridViewHeaderRowPresenters inside your group headers:

  DataContext="{Binding View, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,ListView,1}}"
  Columns="{Binding Columns}"
  ColumnHeaderContainerStyle="{Binding ColumnHeaderContainerStyle}"
  ColumnHeaderTemplate="{Binding ColumnHeaderTemplate}"
  ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector="{Binding ColumnHeaderTemplateSelector}"
  AllowsColumnReorder="{Binding AllowsColumnReorder}"
  ColumnHeaderContextMenu="{Binding ColumnHeaderContextMenu}"
  ColumnHeaderToolTip="{Binding ColumnHeaderToolTip}"
  SnapsToDevicePixels="{TemplateBinding SnapsToDevicePixels}"/>

If that doesn't work, one sure-fire way to do it is to add a Rectangle that is painted with a VisualBrush that references the one-and-only GridViewHeaderRowPresenter at the top of the GridView.

This can be done with an attached property to be used on the Rectangle. When the attached property is set, it registers a low priority Dispatcher callback that:

  1. Scans up the visual tree to the ListView
  2. Searches down until it finds the GridViewHeaderRowPresenter
  3. Construct a VisualBrush and sets it as the Fill for the Rectangle, and

The Rectangle itself would be something like this:

<Rectangle HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
           Height="{Binding Fill.Visual.RenderHeight}"
           my:GridViewHeaderHelper.SearchForHeaderRowPresenterAndSetFill="True" />
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