
It sets the minDate as I mentioned.. but I want to display the default mindate 1970-01-26 in jquery datepicker. here I have coded like this, but it didnt worked. Can anyone help me please..

$(function ()
  var oldMethod = $.datepicker._generateMonthYearHeader;
  $.datepicker._generateMonthYearHeader = function()
   var html = $("<div />").html(oldMethod.apply(this,arguments));
   var monthselect = html.find(".ui-datepicker-month");
   return html.html();
   dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
   changeMonth: true,
   changeYear: true,
   minDate: '1970-01-26'

and my html code is:

<input type="text" name="dob"  class="datepicker_DOB" >
Was it helpful?


Use setDate.

var defaultDateInput = new Date(1970, 01, 26);
$("input.datepicker_DOB").datepicker('setDate', defaultDateInput);


var defaultDateInput = new Date(1970, 01, 26);
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