
Currently sorting between rows can be done by dragging barWrap (grey). To move gantt bar can be done by dragging the bar.

What I want is sorting and moving can be done at once by dragging the bar. How to achieve this?

Any helps would be appreciated, thank you.

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The sortable widget has a handle feature. So:

$(function() {
    $( ".gantt" ).sortable({
        handle: '.bar' // Make it sortable by dragging the .bar instead of the container
    $( ".bar" ).draggable({
        connectToSortable: '.gantt',
        containment: '.barWrap',
        grid: [20, 0]
    $( ".bar" ).resizable({
        handles: 'e, w',
        grid: [ 20, 0 ]


Edited (see comment): You have to take out the draggable, which IMO isn't so bad because people can still use resizable to change the position. You could experiment with draggable handles to find a method where they both work.


It's an old question, but you just need to add another div wrapper to achieve this (jsfiddle):

$(function() {
    $('.barWrap').wrapInner('<div class="sorter"></div>');
    $( ".gantt" ).sortable({
        handle: '.sorter'

    $( ".bar" ).resizable({
        handles: 'e, w',
        grid: [ 20, 0 ]

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