
I've got an app, written in Obj-C. The info.plist has a list of file types that the app can open. I'm pretty sure that this is working because when I try to drag a file of an unacceptable type, the app doesn't highlight, but when I drag a file of an acceptable type, it does highlight, and lets me drop.

When I drop, the app starts up, correctly, however, then I get a dialog saying:

The document "foo.tiff" could not be opened. DocView cannot open files in the "TIFF File" format.

I DO have this in my info.plist

<string>TIFF File</string>


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Does your app actually handle the file opening?

If it's an NSDocument application, you need to implement one of the file reading methods such as readFromData:ofType:error:. In an ordinary NSApplication your app delegate should handle it in application:openFile:. In both cases you need to return YES to acknowledge that you've successfully opened the file.

If you have implemented this, is the message being sent?


First, the part of the Info.plist that you show is within the CFBundleDocumentTypes array, not at the top level of the Info.plist, right?

Second, under LSHandlerRank you have Documents/, which is not a legal value, nor is Documents.

Third, you probably need to add NSDocumentClass.

Just another thing that sometimes gets me is that you need to include $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME). before your class name. If you use the pulldown menu in 10.2.1 in a Swift project Xcode doesn't seem to put a fully qualified name for your class in that field. In prior versions it did.

I also suspect, but haven't proven that the class and any classes the document inherits need to be Public or Open.

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