
I have a datagrid with a column containing a checkbox. I want to change the value of the bound Selected property when the row is clicked:

alt text

NOTE: I don't want to use the SelectedItemChanged event because this doesn't work properly when there is only one row in the grid.

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As is often the way i have found my own solution for this:

Add a MouseLeftButtonUp event to the datagrid:

<data:DataGrid x:Name="dgTaskLinks"
ItemsSource="{Binding TaskLinks}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTaskLink, Mode=TwoWay}"

And walk the visual tree to get the data grid row:

private void dgTaskLinks_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                ///get the clicked row
                DataGridRow row = MyDependencyObjectHelper.FindParentOfType<DataGridRow>(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject);

                ///get the data object of the row
                if (row != null && row.DataContext is TaskLink) 
                    ///toggle the IsSelected value
                    (row.DataContext as TaskLink).IsSelected = !(row.DataContext as TaskLink).IsSelected;


Once found, it is a simple approach to toggle the bound IsSelected property :-)

Hope this helps someone else.


Here is an even simpler solution


ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}"
SelectedItem="{Binding MyList, Mode=TwoWay}"


private void dgMyDataGrid_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    DataGrid dg = (sender as DataGrid);
    var allObjects = dg.DataContext as List<MyCustomObject>;
    foreach(var o in allObjects)
          o.Selected = false;

    MyCustomObject SelectedObject = (MyCustomObject)dg.SelectedItem;
    SelectedObject.Selected = true;

Note: this as well as the other example assumes your class that you are binding to the control implements INotifyPropertyChanged

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