
I am using Eclipse Juno on an Ubuntu x64 machine.

I would like to change the default max line length for the PyDev's PEP8, but I can't!

I go to Window/Preferences/PyDev/Editor/Code Analysis/ and set the following arguments:


What I am doing wrong? After setting this, I have done a code analysis but then the line length seems to be ignored and I don't want this.

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Solution 2

To set the maximum line length, go to:

Window/Preferences/PyDev/Editor/Code Analysis/

Then, open the file at Location of, search for MAX_LINE_LENGTH variable and set it to the length you want. You just have to restart Eclipse and that's it! :D

Note: make sure PyDev's options Do code analysis? is checked.


The current Pydev has a that can set the --max-line-length parameter. You can just go to

Window → Preferences → Pydev → Editor → Code Analysis →

and set Arguments to:


The problem is that the maximum line length is not implemented in the used by pydev. This means that it will not recognize the maximum line length.

If you use '- max-line-length "as you can see in the logs that it is subject to one exception and that is when it is about to parse arguments. If you open the file that the error comes from, one can see that "- max-line-length" is missing.

The log can be obtained through Help-> Aptana-> View Log File. Check for error in ""

To make this work you probably have to ask that they fix this upstream or fix it yourself locally.

It sounds like PyDev's support for PEP8 has improved since this question was asked. I got it to work by going to Window: Preferences: PyDev: Editor: Code Analysis, and then clicking on the tab.

I entered the argument --max-line-length=100, but it was ignored as you describe. However, when I enabled the "Use system interpreter" checkbox, the arguments were used. I also found that the --ignore setting works.

I am using PyDev 4.2.0 with Eclipse 4.4.2 (Luna).

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