
I am building an application that has a business logic layer which needs to access the DAO layer for all DB related stuff. My requirement is such that the DAOImpl class can keep changing so I am looking for ways in which I can get a handle to the DAOImpl class in my business logic class without the need to know the actual DAOImpl class. Is there any way I can achieve this in Java?

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DAOImpl class should implement an interface DAOLayer (say). You businessLogic class should be composed of a DAOLayer object.

class BusinessLogic
    /// ...

    DAOLayer daoLayer;

    public BusinessLogic(DAOLayer daoLayer)
        this.daoLayer = daoLayer;

    /// ...

class DAOImpl implements DAOLayer
    /// ...

You should pass the actual implementation of DAOLayer while creating BusinessLogic class object.

Similar to following:

DAOLayer aDaoLayer = new DAOImpl();
BusinessLogic bl = new BusinessLogic(aDaoLayer);


    public BusinessLogic()
        this.daoLayer = DAOFactory.create(true);

class DAOFactory
    public static DAOLayer create(bool isDB)
        DAOLayer aDao;

            aDao = // create for DB
            aDao = // create for file

        return aDao;


Your buisness logic should definetly only handle DAO interfaces, that will hide actual imlementation.

To be able to quickly change implementing classes, take a look at IoC containers, such as Spring

sound like you want to use an interface, it is java's basic method of decoupling implementation from the desired behavior.

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